°F or °C
Past 72 hours
Indoor humidity
(according to the
current channel)
Past 72 hours
Outdoor humidity
Past 72 hours
mm or in
Past 7 days (daily)
To view the daily MAX/MIN
The console can record the daily MAX/MIN weather data for your easy review .
-In normal mode, press
[ MAX / MIN ]
key to check the daily MAX/MIN records . The display
sequence is: outdoor MAX temperature & humidity → outdoor MIN temperature & humidity
→ current channel’s indoor MAX temperature & humidity → current channel’s indoor MIN
temperature & humidity → MAX average wind speed → MAX gust → MAX dew point →
MIN dew point → MAX wind chill → MIN wind chill → MAX heat index → MIN heat index →
MAX UV index → MAX Beaufort → MAX pressure → MIN pressure → MAX daily rainfall.
-Press and hold
[ MAX / MIN ]
key for 2 seconds to reset all the MAX/MIN records .
To view the history data (the records in the past 24 hours)
The console automatically stores the weather data of the past 24 hours .
1 . Press
key to check the beginning of the current hour's weather data, e .g . the
current time is 7:25 am, March 28, the display will show the data of 7:00am, March 28 .
2 . Press
key repeatedly to view older readings of the past 24 hours, e .g . 6:00am
(Mar 28), 5:00am (Mar 28), …, 10:00am (Mar 27), 9:00am (Mar 27), 8:00am (Mar 27)
The LCD will display the history data records and their time & date .