- 17 / 23 -
150 cities are selectable for Sunrise/Sunset and Moonrise/Moonset
times, a list of cities can be found at the end of the manual.
5 Weather forecast symbols
The weather forecast is determined by temperature, humidity and
atmospheric pressure. The forecast symbol may not match with the
current weather sometimes and the symbol will be showing the
forecast for next 12+ hour period.
Barometer and bar and data of history for
the past 12 hour of atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure history can be displayed in hPa and in Hg,
for the past 12 hours, press the history button repeatedly to
change between -1, -2, -3...
The bar chart indicates the atmospheric pressure history trend over
the last 12 hours in 6 columns: 0h, -1h, -2h, -3h, -6h, and -12h.
“0h” represents the current full hour atmospheric pressure
recording. The other columns represent the “hPa” (0, ±2, ±4, ±6)
or Hg (0, ±0.06, ±0.12, ±0.18) for the marked intervals. The “0” on
each vertical axis is equal to the current pressure and each
marked axis interval (±2, ±4, ±6 or ±0.06, ±0.12, ±0.18)
represents how high or low in “hPa“ or “Hg” the past pressure
was compared to the current pressure.
For accurate barometric pressure trends, the weather station
should operate consistently at the same altitude (i.e. it should not
be moved from one floor to another of a building). When the unit
is moved to a new altitude, discard readings and correct the
altitude setting (see "Initial Operation Set Up") if needed.
Press the key
to activate the display illumination
for 5 seconds.
Slightly cloudy