035-15241-003 Rev. A (201)
Unitary Products Group
Insofar, as is practical, close all building doors and win-
dows and all doors between the space in which the appli-
ances remaining connected to the common venting
system are located and other spaces of the building.
Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance not connected
to the common venting system.
Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and
bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maximum
speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fire-
place dampers.
Follow the lighting instructions. Place the appliance
being inspected in operation. Adjust thermostat so appli-
ance will operate continuously.
Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after five
minutes of main burner operation. Use the flame of a
match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or
After it has been determined that each appliance remain-
ing connected to the common venting system properly
vents when tested as outlined above, return doors, win-
dows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers, and any other
gas-burning appliance to their previous condition of use.
If improper venting is observed during any of the above
tests, the common venting system must be corrected.
Any changes to the venting system must be in accor-
dance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1. In
Canada, any changes to the venting system must be in
accordance with the latest edition of the CAN/CGA-B149
Installation Codes and applicable local codes. If any por-
tion of the common venting system must be resized, it
should be resized to approach the minimum size as
determined using the appropriate tables in Appendix G in
the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 or in Canada,
the latest edition of the CAN/CGA-B149 Installation
For applications where vertical Category I venting is not pos-
sible, the only recommended method of sidewall venting is
through the use of an accessory power venter. Only power
venters approved by a nationally recognized approval agency
may be used.
Approved power venters are Tjernlund Models GPAK-JT or
GPAK-1T and Field Controls Models PVG-2 or SWG-4HD.
For installation details, follow the installation instructions sup-
plied with the power venter.
It is recommended that a post-purge timer be used.
This is a device that keeps the power venter in operation for a
short period at the end of each burner cycle in order to clear
out all flue gases from the vent. Manufacturers of power ven-
ters also can supply post-purge timers.
All internal wiring has been made at the factory. Field wiring
requires only the connection of line voltage supply wiring and
low voltage thermostat wiring.
Service wiring and control wiring may be brought into the fur-
nace through either side using the holes provided.
Refer to the unit rating plate and specification tables found in
these instructions for applicable electrical characteristics and
requirements. A complete wiring diagram is supplied on Page
Field wiring connections should be made inside the furnace
casing and a suitable strain relief should be used at the point
the wires exit the furnace casing. In order for the electrical
controls in the furnace to operate properly, correct electrical
polarity must be observed. If the furnace does not work on
initial start-up and the diagnostic light on the furnace control
flashes nine times, the polarity is reversed. Field wiring of the
unit should conform to local codes or in the absence of local
codes with the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70. In
Canada, field wiring of the unit should conform to local codes
or in the absence of local codes with the Canadian Electrical
A separate fused circuit from the main electrical panel should
serve only the furnace.
The furnace casing must have an uninterrupted electrical
ground in accordance with the National Electrical Code ANSI/
NFPA 70 or, in Canada, with the Canadian Electrical Code,
CSA C22.1. DO NOT use gas piping as an electrical ground.
The thermostat should be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, furnished with the thermostat,
and make connections to the unit as shown on the unit-wiring
diagram. It is recommended that size 18 AWG wire be used.
If the wall thermostat has an adjustable heat anticipator, the
setting should be .48 amps. If any accessories are to be con-
nected to the furnace, the heat anticipator setting may
change. Use a suitable ammeter to measure the actual antic-
ipator current.
When sidewall venting these furnaces with a
power venter, it is required that a barometric draft
damper be installed in the vent near the furnace.
Failure to do so could cause a malfunction of the
furnace resulting in asphyxiation.