Operation description for HMI 7-inch touch screen
5.3.1 Main interface
Figure 1 Main interface
This default window interface will appear after the HMI controller is energized for one-minute start-up. At the start,
system’s default access level is the observer, and the user of this level can turn over the data for display only, as shown in
Figure 1.
5.3.2 List for system’s operation status (read-only)
Operating state:
Display unit’s start/stop status.
System’s chilled outlet water temperature :
Display unit's chilled outlet water sensor temperature; unit:°C
Operating mode:
Display unit’s operating mode. The modes include refrigeration, heating and water pump circulation.
System’s cooling backwater temperature :
Display the temperature of unit’s cooling backwater sensor; unit:°C
System’s chilled backwater temperature
Display the temperature of unit’s chilled backwater sensor; unit:°C
System’s outflow water temperature
Display the temperature of unit’s cooling outflow water sensor; unit:°C
Cooke Industries - Phone: +64 9 579 2185 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cookeindustries.co.nz