D - 2 - 2 . H ow to i n sta l l t h e M o to ri zed Va l ve
1. These Tools or Parts may be Required
1. Confirm the valve is correct size for the pipe
2. If you are not comfortable working with plumbing, please consult or hire a plumber
3. Flame-protec ng cloth gloves and soldering torch may be also required for soldering installa on of
pipe access and pipe connector
4. Refer to the OEM manufacturer ’s guide for more informa on:
h ps://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81iA78dQJbL.pdf
Sh u t- o ff t h e m a in va l ve o f t h e water p i p e , t h e n t u r n o n a ta p to r u n o u t t h e water l e i n
t h e wate r p ip e
2. Get Ready
Pipe Wrench Locking Pliers Manual Steel
Pipe Cu er
Aqueous Marker
NPT Water Pipe
Connector (2)
(Size appropriate
for pipe)
Sealing Tape