E-3. Automa on
(Set Up Rules For “If This Then Do That”)
The most popular use for our Gas / Water Valve Controller is to shut off water automa cally in
the event that a water leak has been detected. Generally, you have two op ons for this:
1. Configure an Automa on in the app. Se
ngs you make in the app will "tell" the valve
controller to shut off the water is detected. In automa on terms, this would be wri en out
"IF a water leak is detected, THEN close the water valve." This is a simple process in our app,
and if this is your first me with a smart device and with automa on, we will explain it clearly
in this sec on.
2. U lize YoLink
to "pair" one or more water leak sensors to the valve controller, so
that the water is shut off as soon as a water leak is detected. YoLink
is a unique
device-to-device protocol that allows for this to work, without internet and even without
power. YoLink
is explained on page 35
Gas/Water Valve Controller can be set as either a trigger or an ac on device, with two op ons: turn on
or turn off
How to Set Up an Automa on (
See Illustra on Next Page
Go to the “Smart” screen, tap “Automa on”