IM 04L51B01-41EN
When Wireless Devices Are Used as Low-Speed Moving Bodies
When a coordinator and routers are configured for low-speed movement, data acquisition
through serial communication becomes possible between data acquisition devices and
various sensors and the like moving at low speeds (4 km/hr or less). Such networks consist
of coordinator modules, repeaters, and router modules installed in low-speed moving
devices all configured for low-speed movement. Routers installed in low-speed moving
devices do not have repeater capabilities. Up to a total of 50 repeaters and routers can be
accommodated. It is assumed that coordinators and routers are used in an environment with
uninterrupted power supplies and that radio signals from the coordinator and routers reach
the entire area in which low-speed moving devices move. If a coordinator is turned off and
then back on after the network has been configured, it may take as long as an hour for the
network to recover.
When a router moves, it communicates by repeatedly switching the connection to the
coordinator or repeater with the best radio condition. By using this system, you can manage
the positions of low-speed moving devices, collect sensor information, and transmit
Router (low-speed
Routers do
not have
Wireless multi-hop
Switch the
• When using low-speed moving bodies, be sure to set the network join mode to V3-compatible
mode. For details, see sections 4.7 and 4.8.
• If there is a risk that the power to the coordinator may be interrupted, take power failure
measures such as using a UPS system. (If the power to the coordinator is interrupted
unexpectedly, resume communication by restarting all repeaters and routers. This may take
several minutes.)
3.1 Wireless Communication Option