IM 2553A-01EN
Output Setting Display
• The output setting appears flush right at the resolution of each thermocouple or RTD.
• When you change the type or polarity and the specified output setting is outside the selectable
range of the new type, the output setting and polarity displays blink. If you turn any of the output
setting dials in this condition but the output setting still remains outside the selectable range of the
new type, the output setting is set to the maximum or minimum setting of the new type, and the
blinking will change to solid.
<<Command Mnemonic>>
:OUTPut:POLarity {NORMal|INVerted}
:SOURce:FUNCtion {TCouple|RTD}
:SOURce:LEVel {<
:SOURce:SLEVel {<
6.2 Setting the Temperature