NR130 5G Router User Manual
Copyright @ Yifan 2021
Enable Advanced Settings:
Enable to configure 1st and 2nd phase information,
otherwise it will automatic negotiation according to opposite end
IKE Encryption:
IKE phased encryption mode
IKE Integrity:
IKE phased integrity solution
IKE Grouptype:
DH exchange algorithm
IKE Lifetime:
Set IKE lifetime, current unit is hour, the default is 0
ESP Encryption:
ESP encryption type
ESP Integrity:
ESP integrity solution
ESP Keylife:
Set ESP keylife, current unit is hour, the default is 0
IKE Aggressive Mode Allowed:
Negotiation mode adopt aggressive mode if tick; it is
main mode if non-tick
Negotiate Payload Compression:
Tick to enable PFS, non-tick to disable PFS
choose use share encryption option or certificate authentication option.
Current is only to choose use share encryption option.
5. GRE
GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation, Generic Routing Encapsulation) protocol is a
network layer protocol (such as IP and IPX) data packets are encapsulated, so these
encapsulated data packets to another network layer protocol (IP)transmission. GRE
Tunnel (tunnel) technology, Layer Two Tunneling Protocol VPN (Virtual Private Network).