NR130 5G Router User Manual
Copyright @ Yifan 2021
16. Adjust Time
To adjust time by the system and refresh to get the time of the web, user can set to modify
the time of the system. They can change to adjust time by manual to achieve adjust time by
the system if the system fails to get NTP server.
Dynamic DNS
If user's network has a permanently assigned IP address, users can register a domain
name and have that name linked with their IP address by public Domain Name Servers
(DNS). However, if their Internet account uses a dynamically assigned IP address, users
will not know in advance what their IP address will be, and the address can change
frequently. In this case, users can use a commercial dynamic DNS service, which allows
them to register their domain to their IP address and will forward traffic directed at their
domain to their frequently-changing IP address.
DDNS Service:
Router currently support DynDNS, freedns, Zoneedit, NO-IP, 3322,
easyDNS, TZO, DynSIP and Custom based on the user.
Users register in DDNS server, up to 64 characteristic
for the username that users register in DDNS server, up to 32 characteristic
Host Name:
Users register in DDNS server, no limited for input characteristic for now
depends on the server
upport wildcard or not, the default is OFF. ON means
* is equal to
Do not use external IP check:
Enable or disable the function of 'do not use external ip
Force Update Interval:
Unit is day, try forcing the update dynamic DNS to the server by
settled days