Ek-2/TL-KLT-01-01 / Rev 0
3. Inspect Drive Coupling and Guard:
Check the coupling alignment and the condition of the coupling’s rubber insert for cuts, broken sections
and wear.
4. Lubricate Pump Bearings:
Use only ball bearing grease, applied with a manual lubrication pump or gun. Always clean the grease
openings thoroughly before greasing.
The recommended lubricating grease types:
5. Lubricate Motor Bearing:
Follow the recommendations of the electric motor manufacturer for the type of grease to use and the
lubrication frequency.
6. Performance Test:
A. While transferring liquid with the pump, check the pressure at the pump’s inlet port. The pressure drop in the inlet
piping should not be greater than 3 psi.
B. While transferring liquid with the pump, close the discharge valve(s) so the full flow will be directed back to the
storage tank through the by-pass valve. Then slowly close the valve downstream of the by-pass valves. The discharge
pressure of the pump should increase to the maximum differential pressure of the pump at no flow conditions
C. If the maximum differential pressure is not obtained, the pump must be serviced. Visually inspect the pump’s impeller
(refer to instructions on page 11 and 12 steps 1 through 8:
Replace the impeller if damaged, broken, warped or worn.
A uniform wear of the impeller will not be visually detected. If the impeller has no visible damages,
It can be re-used. The impeller’s wear can be compensated by removing the adjustment shims on the pump’s cover.
Remove one shim at a time, tighten the pump’s cover and assure that the pump’s shaft rotates. If the pump is locked,
re-install the last shim and make sure the shaft rotates easily. For additional help, refer to Appendix D page 22
Troubleshooting guide.
7. Re-tighten all holdown bolts.
8. Inspect Motor Starter Contact Points:
This must be performed by an authorized and qualified electrician, based on the electric motor manufacturer’s
Service life of ball bearings in Yenen LPG Pump
Ball Bearing Type
Min. service life in hours at 70ºC
Max. Dif. Pressure
FAG 3306 DIN628
20000 hours
17,2 bar
FAG 6206 DIN625
20000 hours
17,2 bar
The grease used should be resistant to a temperature of 130
In order to provide protection against explosion, the bearings must be lubricated. Please check the
user manual to see the lubrication periods
(Figure 8, page 8)
Figure 9