Ek-2/TL-KLT-01-01 / Rev 0
6. Clean the seal housing and apply a light coat of oil on the inside surfaces. Remove the new seal seat from its
package and place a light coat of oil on the seal seat O-ring. Insert the seal seat with the notch pointing down and in line
with the locator pin in the back of the seal housing. Place the small round piece of cardboard found in the seal package
(making sure it is very clean) on the seal seat lapped face. Either use your fingers or a hammer handle with the
cardboard disc to push the seal seat into place. Make sure the locator pin is in the seal seat notch.
7. Using a probe or pick, remove the old seal housing O-ring and install
a new O-ring after applying a thin coat
of oil. Clean the shaft and remove any burrs around the keyway. Apply a light coat of oil to the outside surfaces of
the seal housing. Reinstall the seal housing by pressing into place by hand. Carefully unwrap the remainder of your new
seal assembly, which includes the new retainer shell, carbon rotor and seal sleeve assembly. Apply a thin coat of oil to
the carbon face and the O-ring behind the carbon.
8. Slide the seal assembly onto the shaft by aligning the seal drive pin to the impeller keyway. Install the retainer ring by
compressing the seal assembly into the pump, thus revealing the retainer ring groove on the shaft. Install the new
impeller key into the keyway slot. The impeller must slide on the shaft very freely. If it is tight, carefully remove any burrs
from the keyway or key with a small file. Be certain to clean all filings off of the impeller before reinstallation.
9. Replace the cover O-ring and case clearance shim. If the pump will not turn after installation of the cover, install
another case clearance shim.
Pressurize the pump case with vapor first. After the pump has been pressurized with vapor, then allow liquid to slowly
enter the pump.