Ek-2/TL-KLT-01-01 / Rev 0
All repairs to the pump must be performed by qualified personnel in a safe manner, utilizing tools and/or equipment that
are free of hazards, and follows the applicable safety codes of practice set by the local authorities having jurisdiction.
Make sure the system pressure has been relieved before attempting any repair to the pump.
After a long service life, repairs are limited to replacing the impeller or mechanical seal.
The only wearing part influencing the pumping action is the impeller, so we suggest the pump be given an "efficiency"
test before any attempt is made to repair it. The trouble may lie in the piping system rather than in the pump. If the
pump will still produce
As much differential pressure when circulating through the bypass system as it did when new, you can be sure that
your problem is in the system and not with the pump. If the pump does not produce as much pressure as it did
originally, remove the cover
And inspect the impeller. If visual inspection indicates the impeller is in good condition, remove the thin shim gasket
and replace the cover. Many times this procedure will adjust for slight impeller wear. If the impeller is badly worn or
damaged, it should be replaced. For additional help, refer to Appendix D, page 22, Troubleshooting guide.
Replacing the impeller is a matter of removing the cover and removing the old impeller from the shaft.
If the old impeller is tight on the shaft, threaded bolt holes are provided in the impeller to use for pulling. The new
impeller must be a good slip fit on the shaft; it should "float" on the shaft, so it may be necessary to lightly sand the
shaft. Clean the pump prior to reassembly (refer to steps 1, 2 and 10, pages 11 and 12)
Replacing the mechanical seal is simple and replacement parts are immediately available.
The pumps can be configured with various types of seals and O-rings. Selection of the seals and O-ring materials are
based on the product that is being transferred. The most compatible seals and O-ring materials must be selected.
Consult the factory or distributor for recommendations if the pump is not handling the product for which it was initially
purchased. The model code in the identification plate of the pump indicates the materials in the pump. Refer to page 19
Appendix A , for the material in your pump.
There may be a leakage of gas because of a defect on mechanical seal. A gas leakage detector
should always be kept somewhere near the pump in LPG station.