Ek-2/TL-KLT-01-01 / Rev 0
Bleed all pressure from the pump and piping before installing your new seal assembly.
Even the smallest amount of dirt on your new seal can cause early failure. Keep all parts, tools and your hands clean
while installing the seal. Never touch the smooth lapped faces of the carbon rotor or seal seat. For LP-gas, anhydrous
ammonia and similar liquids, you are trying to seal a fluid that is 5 to 10 times thinner than water! Your new
seal needs every chance it can get, so keep it clean.
Your Yenen LPG pump is a precision piece of equipment with very close clearances. Treat it as such. Never use force
during assembly or disassembly
1. Remove the cover cap screws and remove the cover from the case. If the cover does not pull away by hand, use
two screwdrivers to pry the cover from the case.
2. Remove the impeller. It should slide freely. If the impeller does not slide off the shaft freely, insert two cover screws in
the threaded holes provided and pry off carefully. Be careful not to warp the impeller or damage the case O-ring groove.