WFC- SC(H) Series
- 6 -
< For SC50 >
Fix the chiller with fixing plate and
anchor bolt.
The fixing plate and the anchor
bolts are delivered as chiller
Refer fig
Lift the chiller with a hydraulic jack
and level the chiller with the
leveling bolt. Base plate to be under
the leveling bolt. (Refer fig8
< Common >
A spirit level must be used to monitor level as shims are inserted. Level reference bars
are provided on the upper vessel portion of the chiller-heater. The spirit level must be
placed on these as indicated in figure 9.
to obtain longitudinal and transverse
level. Should the installation comprise
more than one chiller-heater located side-
by side, it is important that all machines
be individually level and level with
respect to each other. It is of further
importance that all machines are leveled
before any piping connections are
Figure 9
Figure 7
Insert Base plate
Leveled by adjusting bolt
Hydraulic jack
with claws
Figure 8
Adjust the chiller level to be within 2/1000 front/back and side to side horizontal.
M20 Bolt & washer
(Standard accessory)
(Provided by the customer)
Fixing plate
(Standard accessory)
Adjusting bolt
(Standard accessory)
Base plate
(Standard accessory)
Concrete Foundation