WFC- SC(H) Series
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platform or walkway should be built such that the chiller-heater, cooling tower and
electrical apparatus can be safely and conveniently serviced.
If the chiller-heater is to
be placed outdoors at
soil level, a proper
dimensions indicated in
figure 3 and constructed
following the example of figure 4, is necessary. All aspects of foundation and support
computations must be in accordance with local codes. Should the foundation prove
inadequate, the chiller-heater, over time, will tilt causing the proper distribution of
working fluids internal to the machine to be impaired; poor cooling performance will
3.4 Placement
< For SC(H)10 ,20, 30 >
When the chiller-heater is finally
positioned on its foundation, be sure
that the mounting bolts are properly
located in the slots of the supporting
plates (figure 5).
A lifting bar must be used to lift the machine sufficient to insert packing shims under
the supporting plates as shown in figure 6.
F o u n d a t io n r o c k
C o n c r e t e
M o r t a r
L e v e l s u r f a c e
Figure 4
Figure 5
Slide each skim in as far as
possible making sure it locates
the mounting bolt.
Rotate each skim so that they fit
uniformly under the fixing plate
of the chiller/heater.
Hydraulic jack
with claws
Leveled by mounting bolt
Figure 6