5.5 Alterable Operating Range
Notes on the Mechanical Stopper Installation
• For S-axis mechanical stopper, install the stopper (drawing No. HW0302424-2) with the
pin which is used bottom up (drawing No. HW0402104-1) as in " Fig. 11 The Components
of the S-Axis Stopper ".
• Apply the locktite 242 to screwed parts of the pin when fitting it into the stopper.
• Install the stopper to the S head with the hexagon socket head cap screw M20 (length:
45mm, 3 screws). Tighten the screws to the tightening torque 402 N m (tensile
strength: 1200 N/mm
or more).
• The stopper can be installed by every 15 degree pitch, however, to avoid the mechanical
troubles caused by interference between stoppers (ex.
), install the S-axis
mechanical stopper referring to " Table. 5 Settable Angle for S-Axis Stopper ".
• Confirm to stabilize both sides of the protrusion with the hexagon socket head cap screws
as in " Fig. 12 Properly-Mounted Image " on account of the limitation of strength to the
• Refer to the figures: “Fig.13” as adjusting the setting angle of the S-axis mechanical stop-
per. When installing the S-axis mechanical stopper by inverse angle to the examples in
the figures: “Fig.13”, settle the machinery symmetrical to those models.
• As in the figures: “Fig.13”, the component is reversible that both sides of the machinery
can be attached to the stopper, except for the angles of
150 degrees.
Flip side and retry installing the S-axis mechanical stopper if finding any difficulty to set
the machinery to the stopper based on " Fig. 11 The Components of the S-Axis Stopper ".
Fig. 12 Properly-Mounted Image
• Apply the specified components when installing the S-axis mechanical stopper.
• TURN OFF the electric power supply before installation.
Hexagon socket
head cap scerws
Hexagon socket
head cap scerws