When you install a DC link choke, you must remove the jumper between ter1 and +2. Ground the DC link choke (option) on the
back of the mounting base. Remove all paint from the mounting surface of the control panel.
Models 2110 to 2415 and 4060 to 4H12 have a DC link choke.
When you use a regenerative converter, regenerative unit, or braking unit, set
L8-55 = 0 [Internal DB TransistorProtection = Disable]
. If
L8-55 = 1 [Protection Enabled]
, the drive will detect
rF [Braking Resistor Fault]
When you use a regenerative converter, regenerative unit, braking unit, braking resistor, or braking resistor unit, set
L3-04 = 0 [Stall
Prevention during Decel = Disabled]
. If
L3-04 = 1 [General Purpose]
, the drive could possibly not stop in the specified deceleration
When you use an ERF-type braking resistor, set
L8-01 = 1 [3% ERF DB Resistor Protection = Enabled]
and set a wiring sequence to de-
energize the drive with the fault relay output.
When you connect a braking unit (CDBR series) or a braking resistor unit (LKEB series) to drive models 2110, 2138, and 4103, make
sure that you use wires that are in the range of the applicable gauges for the drive. A junction terminal is necessary to connect wires that
are less than the applicable gauge to the drive. Contact Yaskawa or your nearest sales representative for more information about selection
and installation of the junction terminal.
Cooling fan wiring is not necessary for self-cooling motors.
The number of terminals is different for different models.
Terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3: There are two screws for each terminal block on models 4477 to 4720. There are four
screws for each terminal block on models 4810 to 4H12.
Te3: Models 2169 to 2415 and 4208 to 4H12 only. There are two screws for each terminal block on models 4477 to 4720.
There are four screws for each terminal block on models 4810 to 4H12.
Te2: Models 2004 to 2082 and 4002 to 4044 only.
Ter1, -: There are two screws for each terminal block on models 2169, 2211, 4140, 4168, and 4477 to 4720. There are four
screws for each terminal block on models 4810 to 4H12.
Terminal B1, B2: Models 2004 to 2138 and 4002 to 4168 only.
Connect peripheral options to terminals -, +1, +2, B1, and B2.
Fire Hazard. Only connect factory-recommended devices or circuits to drive terminals B1, B2, -, +1, +2, and
+3. Do not connect AC power supply lines to these terminals. Incorrect wiring can cause damage to the drive and serious
injury or death from fire.
Encoder circuit wiring (wiring to PG-B3 option) is not necessary for applications that do not use motor speed feedback.
Connect a 24 V power supply to terminals PS-AC to operate the control circuit while the main circuit power supply is OFF.
To set the MFDI power supply (Sinking/Sourcing Mode or internal/external power supply), install or remove a jumper between terminals
SC-SP or SC-SN depending on the application.
Damage to Equipment. Do not close the circuit between terminals SP-SN. If you close the circuits between
terminals SC-SP and terminals SC-SN at the same time, it will cause damage to the drive.
Sinking Mode, Internal power supply: Install the jumper to close the circuit between terminals SC-SP.
Damage to Equipment. Do not close the circuit between terminals SC-SN. If you close the circuits
between terminals SC-SP and terminals SC-SN at the same time, it will cause damage to the drive.
Sourcing Mode, Internal power supply: Install the jumper to close the circuit between terminals SC-SN.
Damage to Equipment. Do not close the circuit between terminals SC-SP. If you close the circuits between
terminals SC-SP and terminals SC-SN at the same time, it will cause damage to the drive.
External power supply: Remove the jumper from the MFDI terminals. It is not necessary to close the circuit between terminals SC-SP
and terminals SC-SN.
The maximum output current capacity for terV and -V on the control circuit is 20 mA.
Do not install a jumper between terV, -V, and AC. A closed circuit between these terminals will
cause damage to the drive.
DIP switches S1-1 to S1-3 set terminals A1 to A3 for voltage or current input. The default setting for S1-1 and S1-3 is voltage input (
side). The default setting for S1-2 is current input (
DIP switch S4 sets terminal A3 for analog or PTC input. Set DIP switch S1-3 to the
side, and set
H3-05 = 0 [Terminal A3 Signal
Level Select = 0 to 10V (Lower Limit at 0)]
to set terminal A3 for PTC input with DIP switch S4.
Do not ground control circuit terminal AC or connect it to the drive chassis.
Do not ground the AC control circuit terminals and only connect the AC terminals as specified by the product
instructions. If you connect the AC terminals incorrectly, it can cause damage to the drive.
Connect the positive lead from an external 24 Vdc power supply to terminal PS and the negative lead to terminal AC.
Connect terminals PS and AC correctly for the 24 V power supply. If you connect the wires to the incorrect
terminals, it will cause damage to the drive.
Use multi-function analog monitor outputs with analog frequency meters, ammeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters. Do not use monitor
outputs with feedback-type signal devices.
Jumper switch S5 sets terminals FM and AM for voltage or current output. The default setting for S5 is voltage output (
Set DIP switch S2 to
to enable the termination resistor in the last drive in a MEMOBUS/Modbus network.