UW10 Owner’s Manua
For more information on using the software, after you finish the installation,
refer to the “S-YXG50 Help” file by selecting from the “Start” menu [Programs
| YAMAHA SoftSynthesizer S-YXG50 | S-YXG50 Help].
Windows 2000/XP Users:
If you hear sound skips from the S-YXG50 on the Windows 2000/XP platform, you
may be able to resolve the problem by following the steps below:
1. From the “Start” menu, select [Programs | YAMAHA XG SoftSynthesizer S-YXG50 |
S-YXG50 Settings] to display the “Settings” window.
2. Click the “Information” tab. If the window indicates “Ver.4.01.xx Legacy” (xx is a
version number) for the S-YXG50 version, proceed to Step 3.
3. Log on to Windows as Administrator, then open the “Syxg50_” folder on the
included CD-ROM.
4. Right-click “Turbo.inf” or “Normal.inf” in the folder to display the pop-up menu, then
select “Install” from the menu.
Nomal.inf: The sound might skip occasionally, but most sound cards will output sound.
Turbo.inf: The sound will not skip, but some sound cards may not output sound.
5. Restart the computer.
You can use XGplayer to play MIDI data, which you can output via
SoftSynthesizer, then record it as a wave file in TWEplus with the UW10 in
Track Down mode.
This application is automatically installed when you install the S-YXG50
SoftSynthesizer. To start XGplayer after you finish the installation from the
“Start” menu, select [Programs | YAMAHA SoftSynthesizer S-YXG50 | XGplayer].
Acrobat Reader
The Acrobat Reader allows you to view an electronic version of the Owner’s
Manual saved in PDF format.
To start the installer, open the “English” folder in the “Acroread_” folder, then
double-click “ar500enu.exe.” Install the software according to the instructions
on screen.
MidRadio Player
MidRadio Player receives and plays MIDI and Sound VQ data, sort of like a
radio channel. You can listen to pieces of music continuously by connecting to
the Internet and selecting your favorite channel. You can also purchase song
data on the Internet.
To install MidRadio Player, double-click “mr4221E.exe” in the “Midradio_”
folder to start the installer, then follow the instruction on screen.