Acceleration and deceleration ................6-2
Air filter and V-belt case air filter
elements .............................................7-14
Auxiliary light bulb, replacing................7-28
Battery ..................................................7-25
Brake fluid, changing ............................7-21
Brake fluid level, checking ....................7-21
Brake lever, front ....................................4-5
Brake lever, rear......................................4-5
Brake levers, lubricating .......................7-23
Brake pads and shoes, checking .........7-20
Cables, checking and lubricating .........7-22
Care ........................................................8-1
Catalytic converter..................................4-8
Centerstand and sidestand, checking
and lubricating....................................7-23
Convenience hook ................................4-10
Cowling and panels, removing and
Dimmer switch ........................................4-4
Eco indicator light ...................................4-3
Engine break-in.......................................6-3
Engine idling speed, checking ..............7-16
Engine oil and oil strainer......................7-11
Engine serial number ............................10-1
Engine trouble warning light ...................4-3
Final transmission oil ............................7-13
Front brake lever free play, checking ... 7-19
Front fork, checking ............................. 7-24
Fuel......................................................... 4-7
Fuel tank cap.......................................... 4-6
Fuse, replacing ..................................... 7-27
General note ........................................... 6-4
Handlebar switches................................ 4-4
Headlight .............................................. 7-27
Helmet holders ..................................... 4-10
Helmets .................................................. 2-6
High beam indicator light ....................... 4-3
Horn switch ............................................ 4-4
Identification numbers.......................... 10-1
Ignition circuit cut-off system............... 4-12
Indicator lights and warning light ........... 4-3
Keyhole shutter ...................................... 4-2
Kickstarter .............................................. 4-9
Labels, location ...................................... 1-1
Main switch/steering lock....................... 4-1
Maintenance and lubrication, periodic ... 7-3
Maintenance, emission control
system.................................................. 7-2
Parking ................................................... 6-3
Part locations ......................................... 3-1
Rear brake lever free play, adjusting .... 7-19
Rear brake lever lock.............................. 4-5
Safe-riding points....................................2-5
Safety information ...................................2-1
Seat .........................................................4-9
Sidestand ..............................................4-11
Spark plug, checking ..............................7-9
Specifications .........................................9-1
Speedometer unit ...................................4-4
Starting the engine..................................6-1
Start switch .............................................4-4
Steering, checking ................................7-25
Storage ...................................................8-3
Storage compartment ...........................4-11
Tail/brake light bulb or rear turn
signal light bulb, replacing..................7-28
Throttle grip and cable, checking
and lubricating ....................................7-22
Throttle grip free play, adjusting ...........7-16
Tires ......................................................7-17
Tool kit ....................................................7-1
Troubleshooting ....................................7-29
Troubleshooting chart ...........................7-31
Turn signal indicator lights ......................4-3
Turn signal light bulb (front),
replacing .............................................7-28
Turn signal switch ...................................4-4
Valve clearance .....................................7-17
V-belt, checking ....................................7-22
Vehicle identification number................10-1
Wheel bearings, checking.....................7-25
Wheels ..................................................7-19
Содержание Ego Solariz
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