Insufficient brake fluid may allow air to
enter the brake system, possibly caus-
ing it to become ineffective.
Before riding, check that the brake fluid
is above the minimum level mark and
replenish if necessary. A low brake flu-
id level may indicate worn brake pads
and/or brake system leakage. If the
brake fluid level is low, be sure to
check the brake pads for wear and the
brake system for leakage.
Observe these precautions:
When checking the fluid level,
make sure that the top of the mas-
ter cylinder is level by turning the
Use only the recommended quali-
ty brake fluid, otherwise the rub-
ber seals may deteriorate, causing
leakage and poor braking perfor-
Refill with the same type of brake
fluid. Mixing fluids may result in a
harmful chemical reaction and
lead to poor braking performance.
Be careful that water does not en-
ter the master cylinder when refill-
ing. Water will significantly lower
the boiling point of the fluid and
may result in vapor lock.
Brake fluid may deteriorate paint-
ed surfaces or plastic parts. Al-
ways clean up spilled fluid
As the brake pads wear, it is nor-
mal for the brake fluid level to
gradually go down. However, if
the brake fluid level goes down
suddenly, have a Yamaha dealer
check the cause.
1. Minimum level mark
or equivalent DOT3 or DOT4
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