Genuine Yamaha Accessories
Choosing accessories for your vehicle
is an important decision. Genuine
Yamaha accessories, which are avail-
able only from a Yamaha dealer, have
been designed, tested, and approved
by Yamaha for use on your vehicle.
Many companies with no connection to
Yamaha manufacture parts and acces-
sories or offer other modifications for
Yamaha vehicles. Yamaha is not in a
position to test the products that these
aftermarket companies produce.
Therefore, Yamaha can neither en-
dorse nor recommend the use of ac-
cessories not sold by Yamaha or
modifications not specifically recom-
mended by Yamaha, even if sold and
installed by a Yamaha dealer.
Aftermarket Parts, Accessories, and
While you may find aftermarket prod-
ucts similar in design and quality to
genuine Yamaha accessories, recog-
nize that some aftermarket accessories
or modifications are not suitable be-
cause of potential safety hazards to
you or others. Installing aftermarket
products or having other modifications
performed to your vehicle that change
any of the vehicle’s design or operation
characteristics can put you and others
at greater risk of serious injury or death.
You are responsible for injuries related
to changes in the vehicle.
Keep the following guidelines in mind,
as well as those provided under “Load-
ing” when mounting accessories.
Never install accessories or carry
cargo that would impair the perfor-
mance of your motorcycle. Care-
fully inspect the accessory before
using it to make sure that it does
not in any way reduce ground
clearance or cornering clearance,
limit suspension travel, steering
travel or control operation, or ob-
scure lights or reflectors.
Accessories fitted to the handle-
bar or the front fork area can
create instability due to improp-
er weight distribution or aerody-
namic changes. If accessories
are added to the handlebar or
front fork area, they must be as
lightweight as possible and
should be kept to a minimum.
Bulky or large accessories may
seriously affect the stability of
the motorcycle due to aerody-
namic effects. Wind may at-
tempt to lift the motorcycle, or
the motorcycle may become un-
stable in cross winds. These ac-
cessories may also cause
instability when passing or be-
ing passed by large vehicles.
Certain accessories can dis-
place the operator from his or
her normal riding position. This
improper position limits the free-
dom of movement of the opera-
tor and may limit control ability,
therefore, such accessories are
not recommended.
Use caution when adding electri-
cal accessories. If electrical acces-
sories exceed the capacity of the
motorcycle’s electrical system, an
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