carbon monoxide can collect rapidly
and you can quickly be overcome and
unable to save yourself. Also, deadly
levels of carbon monoxide can linger
for hours or days in enclosed or poorly
ventilated areas. If you experience any
symptoms of carbon monoxide poison-
ing, leave the area immediately, get
fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREAT-
Do not run engine indoors. Even if
you try to ventilate engine exhaust
with fans or open windows and
doors, carbon monoxide can rap-
idly reach dangerous levels.
Do not run engine in poorly venti-
lated or partially enclosed areas
such as barns, garages, or car-
Do not run engine outdoors where
engine exhaust can be drawn into
a building through openings such
as windows and doors.
Adding accessories or cargo to your
motorcycle can adversely affect stabili-
ty and handling if the weight distribution
of the motorcycle is changed. To avoid
the possibility of an accident, use ex-
treme caution when adding cargo or
accessories to your motorcycle. Use
extra care when riding a motorcycle
that has added cargo or accessories.
Here, along with the information about
accessories below, are some general
guidelines to follow if loading cargo to
your motorcycle:
The total weight of the operator,
passenger, accessories and cargo
must not exceed the maximum load
limit. Operation of an overloaded ve-
hicle could cause an accident.
When loading within this weight limit,
keep the following in mind:
Cargo and accessory weight
should be kept as low and close to
the motorcycle as possible. Se-
curely pack your heaviest items as
close to the center of the vehicle
as possible and make sure to dis-
tribute the weight as evenly as
possible on both sides of the mo-
torcycle to minimize imbalance or
Shifting weights can create a sud-
den imbalance. Make sure that ac-
cessories and cargo are securely
attached to the motorcycle before
riding. Check accessory mounts
and cargo restraints frequently.
Properly adjust the suspension
for your load (suspension-ad-
justable models only), and
check the condition and pres-
sure of your tires.
Never attach any large or heavy
items to the handlebar, front
fork, or front fender. Such items
can create unstable handling or
a slow steering response.
This vehicle is not designed to
pull a trailer or to be attached to
a sidecar.
Maximum load:
153 kg (337 lb)
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