Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling!
As the owner of the solariz, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and newest technology regarding the design
and manufacture of high-quality products, which have earned Yamaha a reputation for dependability.
Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your solariz. The Owner’s
Manual does not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your scooter, but also in how to safeguard
yourself and others from trouble and injury.
In addition, the many tips given in this manual will help keep your scooter in the best possible condition. If you have any
further questions, do not hesitate to contact your Yamaha dealer.
The Yamaha team wishes you many safe and pleasant rides. So, remember to put safety first!
Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most cur-
rent product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your scooter and this
manual. If there is any question concerning this manual, please consult a Yamaha dealer.
Содержание Ego Solariz
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Страница 184: ...4 12 ᣝϟਃࡼᓔ ˈৠᯊᣝϟࠊࡼᴚDŽ ᓩ ᇚਃࡼ t 仪表及操纵器 t 若发现故障 请联络雅马哈代理检查系统 ᇚ䩹 ᠧᓔ ᇚջᬃᶊᣓ䍋 ᇚջᬃᶊᬒϟ 㢹ᓩ Ẕᶹᯊˈᨽᠬ䔺䳔ᬒ ЁᬃᶊϞ ջᬃᶊᓔ 㡃ད ...
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