Dual Receive (DW) Function
The transceiver is equipped with the following 3 types of Dual Receive Functions:
VFO Dual Receive
Memory Channel Dual Receive
Home Channel Dual Receive
The transceiver checks for signals on the frequency registered to the selected memory
channel (Priority Memory Channel) once approximately every 5 seconds. When receiv-
ing a signal on the frequency registered to a priority memory channel, the Dual Receive
function temporarily pauses, and allows reception of the signals.
Example: Checking the priority memory channel “1” (145.000 MHz), while receiving
“432.500 MHz”.
Memory Channel
The transceiver monitors signals
on the frequency registered to the
Priority Memory Channel, once
approximately every 5 seconds.
When the transceiver
receives a signal on the
frequency registered to the
priority memory channel,
dual reception stops and
signal receiver switches to
priority memory channel.
The transceiver returns to the
previous frequency quickly and
continues to receive mode when
there is no signal.
Dual Receive Icon
Priority Memory Channel Icon
Activating the Dual Receive (DW) feature
1. Press the [
] key to set the memory channel “1” (the Priority Memory Channel)
to receive.
2. Set the frequency and communication mode to monitor continually.
The monitor frequency may be set on the VFO mode, the memory channel mode
or the HOME channel mode.
VFO Dual Receive
Priority Memory Channel
Memory Channel Dual Receive
Memory Channel
Priority Memory Channel
HOME Channel Dual Receive
HOME Channel
Priority Memory Channel
When using the Memory Channel Dual Receive, register the Priority memory channel to the
Memory channel number “1”. the Memory Bank feature also checks the Memory channel number
3. Press the Function key, then press the [
] key.
“DW” icon appears and the Dual Receive function ac-
4. Press the [
] key to cancel the Dual Receive func-