Aquavar Intelligent Pump Controller
Warnings and Alarms
1 — 10 V low
The control card voltage is below 10 V
from terminal 50.
A short in a connected
potentiometer or improper wiring
of the potentiometer.
Remove the wiring from terminal 50.
If the warning clears, the problem is
with the customer wiring.
2 — Sensor Fault
This warning or alarm will only appear
if programmed by the user in 6–01
Sensor Fault Timeout Function. The
signal on one of the analog inputs is
less than 50% of the minimum value
that is programmed for that input.
Broken wiring or faulty device
sending the signal.
Check the connections on all the
analog input terminals. Control card
terminals 53 and 54 for signals,
terminal 55 common. General
Purpose I/O Option Card terminals
11 and 12 for signals, terminal 10
common. Analog I/O Option Card
terminals 1, 3, 5 for signals, terminals
2, 4, 6 common.
Check that the frequency converter
programming and switch settings
match the analog signal type.
Perform Input Terminal Signal Test
4 — Input phase loss
A phase is missing on the supply side,
or the mains voltage imbalance is
too high. This message also appears
for a fault in the input rectifier on
the frequency converter. Options are
programmed at [14–12] Function at
Input Imbalance (not applicable for
single-phase drives).
Check the supply voltage and supply
currents to the frequency converter.
5 — DC link voltage high
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is
higher than the high voltage warning
The limit is dependent on the
frequency converter voltage
rating. The frequency converter is
still active.
6 — DC link voltage low
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC)
is lower than the low voltage warning
The limit is dependent on the
frequency converter voltage
rating. The frequency converter is
still active.
7 — DC overvoltage
If the intermediate circuit voltage
exceeds the limit, the frequency
converter trips after a time.
Connect a brake resistor
Extend a ramp time
Change the ramp type
Activate functions in [2–10] Brake
Increase [14–26] Trip Delay at Inverter
8 — DC under voltage
If the intermediate circuit voltage (DC)
drops below the under voltage limit,
the frequency converter checks if a 24
VDC backup supply is connected.
If no 24 VDC backup supply
is connected, the frequency
converter trips after a fixed time
delay. The time delay varies with
unit size.
Check that the supply voltage
matches the frequency converter
Perform input voltage test
Perform soft charge and rectifier
circuit test.