3700 Series Flat Panel Industrial PC
Chapter 5 – Troubleshooting
143311 (H)
Reinstalling Operating Systems
The 3700 series CPU ships with MS-DOS® preinstalled. Windows® 98,
Windows® 2000, Windows® NT, and Windows® XP Professional operating
systems are also available. If you need to reinstall an operating system, refer to the
appropriate section below. If you want to change operating systems, you will need
to use the manufacturer’s instruction manual.
If you need to reinstall the Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows® NT, or
Windows® XP Professional operating system, you must have an internal CD-
ROM drive or an external parallel port CD-ROM drive.
If you need to reinstall MS-DOS®, refer to the
Proface/Xycom Workstation
Recovery Media Software Installation Instructions for Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2
(shipped with systems preinstalled with MS-DOS). This document is devoted to
the reinstallation of your MS-DOS operating system and drivers, utilizing the
Recovery Media provided with your Pro-face/Xycom industrial computer.
This procedure assumes that the computer hard disk drive has been
completely corrupted or replaced.
This procedure will destroy data that may exist on the hard disk drive.
98 Reinstallation
If you need to reinstall the Windows® 98 operating system, refer to the
Pro-face/Xycom Workstation Recovery Media Software Installation Instructions
for Microsoft
(shipped with systems preinstalled with
Windows 98). This document is devoted to the reinstallation of your Microsoft
Windows 98 operating system and drivers, utilizing the Recovery Media provided
with your Pro-face/Xycom industrial computer.
This procedure assumes that the computer hard disk drive has been
completely corrupted or replaced.
This procedure will destroy data that may exist on the hard disk drive.
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