143311 (H)
Chapter 2 – Installation
This chapter offers detailed installation instructions and outlines the options for
the 3700 series. It also includes the guidelines for preparing your 3700 unit for
installation and use.
Installation Overview
For installation in Hazardous Locations, review the
Hazardous Locations
section in this chapter before startup.
The rugged design of the 3700 unit allows it to be installed in most industrial
environments. The system is generally placed in a NEMA 4/4X/12 enclosure to
protect against contaminants such as dust, and moisture. Metal enclosures also
help minimize the effects of electromagnetic radiation that nearby equipment can
generate. For Underwriters Laboratories (UL) compliance, the unit must be
installed within a suitable fire enclosure.
Read the following sections carefully to be sure that you are complying with all
the safety requirements.
1. Select a NEMA rated enclosure and place the unit to allow easy access to the
system ports (see other sections in this chapter and Appendix A).
To assure a NEMA 4 seal choose an approved enclosure that has a
14-gauge (0.075 in/1.9 mm thick steel or 0.125 in/3.2 mm thick
aluminum) front face.
Be sure to account for the unit’s depth when choosing the depth of
the enclosure.
2. Create a cutout in the enclosure (see Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 in
System Cutout
Be sure to place the unit at a comfortable working level
Make sure the area around the cutout is clean and free from metal
3. Mount the unit in an upright position and properly secure the unit into the panel.
Tighten the fourteen #10 nuts to 25 inch-pounds (2.8 Newton-meters
/ 28Kgf cm).
4. Construct a power cable following the instructions in
AC Power Cable
in this
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