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Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
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Once adding it, The custom NAT items table will displays this item
This item will make the router process packet with the destination port from 5001 ~
5003 (total 3 port numbers), after processed by the NAT module, the destination port
will be 5001~ 5003 correspondingly and the packet will be sent to host
Delete a NAT item
To delete a NAT item, you should choose this item and press “Delete Item” button.
3.3.5 DMZ
Incoming traffic from the Internet is normally discarded by the router unless the
traffic is a response to one of your local computers or a service that you have
configured in the NAT page. Instead of discarding traffic for services you have not
defined, you can have it forwarded to one computer on your network. This
computer is called the Default DMZ Server.
Enable DMZ: Enable or disable DMZ function.
DMZ IP: DMZ server IP Address.
3.3.6 Filter
To block some packets getting Internet access or block some Internet packets getting
local network access, you can configure filter items to block these packets.
Packet Filter
Packet filter function is realized based on IP address or port of packets.
Enable Packet Filter: Enable or disable “packet filter” function
Policy: The filter rule’s policy, you can choose the following options