厦 门 四 信 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:J1-J2,3rd Floor,No.44,GuanRi Road,SoftWare Park,XiaMen,China
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Tel:+86 592-6300320, +86 592-6300321, +86 592-6300322 Fax:+86 592-5912735 http://
www.four-faith.com www.fourfaith.com
Enable Log: Enable or disable this function
Log Way: there are three log ways
The log message is displayed on this web page. You can save the log message to a
file by click “Save Log” button.
The log message is output to the console port.
To use this way, you should connect the router’s console port and your PC’s serial
port with the supplied console cable. Then open hyper terminal with the following
serial port settings:
Baud : 115200 bps