厦 门 四 信 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:J1-J2,3rd Floor,No.44,GuanRi Road,SoftWare Park,XiaMen,China
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Tel:+86 592-6300320, +86 592-6300321, +86 592-6300322 Fax:+86 592-5912735 http://
www.four-faith.com www.fourfaith.com
Normally, the Domain Name Server (DNS) Address of the router is allocated by the
ISP automatically. You can also use your own DNS address. If you want to use your
own DNS, please make sure the DNS address you configured is usable and stable.
Keep Online Detection
This function is used to detect whether the Internet connection is active, if you set it
and when the router detect the connection is inactive ,it will redial to you ISP
immediately to make the connection active.
Detection Method:
None: do not set this function
Ping: Send ping packet to detect the connection, when choose this method, you
should also configure "Detection Interval", "Primary Detection Server IP" and
"Backup Detection Server IP" items.
Route: Detect connection with route method, when choose this method, you should
also configure "Detection Interval", "Primary Detection Server IP" and
"Backup Detection Server IP" items.
PPP: Detect connection with PPP method, when choose this method, you should
also configure "Detection Interval" item.
Detection Interval: The time interval between two detections, unit is second
Primary Detection Server IP: The server used to response the router’s detection packet.
This item is only valid for method "Ping" and "Route".
Backup Detection Server IP: The server used to response the router’s detection packet.
This item is valid for method "Ping" and "Route".
Note: When you choose the “Route” or “Ping” method, it’s quite important to make
sure that the “Primary Detection Server IP” and “Backup Detection Server IP” are
usable and stable, because they have to response the detection packet frequently.
3.3.3 LAN Settings
IP Address: the LAN port IP Address.