Installation and Users Guide: XenData SX-10 Archive Appliance
Page 9
Chapter 2. Control Panel and Connections
2.1 Front Control Panel
Power Push Button
This is used to apply or remove power from the internal power supply to the
appliance. Power-on or power-off by momentarily pressing this button. Powering off using this
button keeps standby power applied to the system. To completely remove power to the system,
unplug the power cable at the rear of the unit.
Reset Button
The reset button is used to reboot the system under special circumstances. Routine
reboot should not be performed using this button; rather the system should be rebooted using the
‘restart’ option from the Windows 7 Start menu.
Power Indicator LED
This indicates that power is being supplied to the appliance. It is off when the
system is in standby mode.
Disk Drive Activity LED
This indicates activity on the disk drive bus. It will light when either of the
disk drives is active.
NIC Activity LEDs
These indicate network activity on the 1 GigE network ports.
Overhead / Fan Failure LED
When this LED flashes, it indicates a fan failure. When it is
continuously on, it indicates an overheat condition which may be caused by obstruction of the
airflow to either the front or rear of the unit or due to the ambient room temperature being too high.