XE210C Hydraulic Excavator
Operating and Maintenance Manual
If the noise of the machine is too loud, temporary or permanent hearing problems can be caused.
When persons maintain the engine and suffer the noise for a long time, ear covers or earplugs should
be worn.
Using the hammer
When using the hammer, pins may fly out, metal particles may scatter, the serious damage can be caused, and
then, the following steps need to be followed:
If the hammer is used to strike hard metal parts,
such as pins, bucket teeth, blade or bearings,
fragments may scatter and cause harm, and
therefore, goggles and gloves should be worn
during operating.
When striking the pins or the bucket teeth, the
fragments may fly out, the surrounding area must
not have persons, and then, the injury is avoided.
If struck strongly, the pins may fly out and cause
damage to the surrounding persons.
Welding operation
Only the proper device can be used, and the operation shall be performed by qualified welders.
Removing the battery terminals
When repairing electrical systems or welding, the terminals of the battery anode (-) will be dismantled, which
prevent the current from flowing.