2 2 . If
Play All
is selected from scre e n E 1 4 6 : -
For product
voice prompts :
On screen E147, there are three new and two old messages,
Message 3
, and
will be played first and then old messages,
, and
. Once all messages have been played - the display prompts "
End of Messages
" and returns to
Answer Machine
sub men u s
(see scr e e n E 3 8 ) .
For product
voice prompts :
From screen E147, again all new messages are played first and then the old messages with numbering starting from 1 for each set of
m e s s a g e s .
In this case there are 5 messages - three new and two old, "
You have 3 new messages
" or
will be played and then messages 3, 4,
and 5 would be played (announced as
Message 1
, and
), "
Message 1, date and time stamp including Today and Yesterday where
" or
. The voice prompt "
You have 2 old messages
" or
would then be played and messages 1 and 2 would be played
(again announced as
Message 1
), "
Message 1, date and time stamp including Today and Yesterday where relevant
" or
. O n c e
all messages have been played - "
End of Messages
" or
voice prompt will be played and the display prompts "
End of Messages
" an d
returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see screen E 3 8 ) .
23. Similarly, if there are only old messages stored, when
Play All
is selected the handset goes straight to the "
You have one(N) old
" or
and old message(s) is/are played, "
Message 1, date and time stamp including Today and Yesterday where
" or
. Once all messages have been played - "
End of Messages
" or
voice prompt will be played and the display prompts
End of Messages
" and returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see screen E 3 8 ) .
2 4 . During
Play All
messages, if
is selected either through
(KEY_SOFT_1) menu or by pressing KEY_1 - t h e p la y b a c k is
paused, the TAM pause icon (two blue bars) will flash on the display and the display prompts "
Message Paused
" (see scre e n E 1 4 ) .
The handset will remain in the paused state for 60 seconds. If playback is not resumed within 60 seconds the display returns to idle
reflecting any changes on new message statu s .
2 5 . During
Play All
messages, if
Play Next
is selected either through
(KEY_SOFT_1) menu or by p r e s s in g K E Y _ 4 :
For product
voice prompts :
The handset will play next message. If the message played is the last message on the base - the display prompts "
End of Messages
and returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see screen E 3 8 ) .
For product
voice prompts :
The handset will play next message. If the message played is the last message on the base - "
End of Messages
" or
voice prompt
will be played and the display prompts "
End of Messages
" and returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see screen E 3 8 ) .
2 6 . During
Play All
messages, if
Play Previous
is selected either through
(KEY_SOFT_1) menu or by p r e s s in g K E Y _ 4 :
For product
voice prompts :
The handset will play previous message. If the message played is already the first message on the base - the handset will replay the
current messa g e .
For product
voice prompts :
The handset will play previous message. If the message played is already the first message on the base - the handset will replay the
current message, "
Message 1, date and time stamp including Today and Yesterday where relevant
" or
2 7 . During message playback, when messages are deleted, the remaining messages are not renumbered until playback is completed and
the product returns to idle.
For product
voice prompts :
If message is deleted during playback, either through
(KEY_SOFT_1) menu or by pressing KEY_5 - the dis p la y p r o m p t s
" (see screen E32). Message is deleted immediately. If all messages have been individually delete - the dis p la y p r o m p t s
End of Messages
" and returns to Answer Machine sub menus (see scree n E 3 8 ) .
For product
voice prompts :
If message is deleted during playback, either through
(KEY_SOFT_1) menu or by pressin g K E Y _ 5 - "
Message deleted
" or
voice prompt will be played and the display prompts "
" (see screen E32). Message is deleted immediately . I f a ll m e s s a g e s
have been individually delete - "
End of Messages
" or
voice prompt will be played and the display prompts "
End of Messages
" an d
returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see screen E 3 8 ) .
2 8 . Pressing KEY_END during message playback will stop the playback and the display will return to id le .
2 9 . Once the user has interacted with the new messages and returned to idle any changes in the number or status of messages is
reflected on the reminder icon (if available). For example, if all messages were played - the TAM message reminder icon will
disappear from the idle display.
3 0 . When TAM is in use by one handset. If another handset tries to access the TAM functionality - the display prompts "
Answer Machine
In Use
" (see sc r e e n E 1 5 0 ) .
3 1 . To switch the answering machine on/off, select
Answer On/Off
on screen E 4 0 .
For product
voice prompts :
O f f
is selected - the display prompts "
Set to OFF
" and returns to Answer Machine sub menus (see scree n E 4 2 ) .
is selected - the display prompts "
Set to ON
" and returns to Answer Machine sub menus (see scree n E 4 3 ) .
For product
voice prompts :
O f f
is selected - "
Answer Off
" or
voice prompt is played and the display prompts "
Set to OFF
" and returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see scr e e n E 4 2 ) .
is selected - "
Answer On
" or
voice prompt is played and the display prompts "
Set to ON
" and returns to
Answer Machine
sub menus (see scr e e n E 4 3 ) .