1 .
When the answering machine takes the line (see screen E2) pre-set OGM is played. This can be default / personal answer and record,
or default / personal answer only OGM. At this time the TAM recording icon (red dot) will flash on the display.
2 .
Incoming messages can be up to 3 minutes in length. If a message being left fills the 3 minutes, the answering machine will end the
ca ll.
3 .
P r e s s
(KEY_SOFT_1) on the handset to listen to the message being left by the caller - this activates the earpiece but not the
microphone (see screen E2). Once one of the handsets is screening the call, the other handsets revert to idle.
4 .
Call screening can only be carried out at the handset in handsfree mode. Whilst the user is screening the call, pressing KEY_TAL K
when the OGM is playing or the caller is leaving a message will answer the call.
5 .
To exit call screening without speaking to the caller, press
(KEY_SOFT_2) on the display (s e e s c r e e n E 3 ) .
6 .
To speak to the caller, press KEY_TALK. Message recording is stopped and the in call scree n is p r e s e n t e d .
7 .
If the memory becomes full when a caller is leaving a message, "
Memory Full
" or v
voice prompt will be played and the call ended.
The answering machine does a soft switch to answer only mode, playing the answer only OGM and showing memory full indication on
the idle screen until messages are deleted and space becomes available. Once when memory becomes available t h e a n s w e r in g
machine switches back to answer and record mode.
8 .
User can play all or selective pla y m e s s a g e s .
9 .
To selective play mess a g e - s e le c t
from screen E8 or E146 and press KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN to high lig h t t h e m e s s a g e t h e n
(KEY_SOFT_1) to play the messages ( s e e s c r e e n E 9 o r E 1 4 7 ) .
1 0 . If
is selected from screen E146, the handset will list all messages with the most recent message highlighted on the first line of
the display. Press KEY_DOWN will move the highlight down the list - backward chronologica lly .
1 1 . New messages are marked with a yellow star (see screen E9). Once a message has started to play, its "new message" tag will be
removed and it will become an old message when the session ends.
1 2 . If
(KEY_SOFT_1) is pressed on E147, the handset will start to p la y
Message 5
During message playback, the TAM play icon (green triangle) will flash on the display (as per screen E10).
1 3 . If available the number or name (if the number matches an entry in the phonebook) of the caller is displayed during message
play b a c k .
If the user does not subscribe to caller display, the message number is displayed in place of the CLI or name, e.g. "
Message 1
" .
When a memo is playing, the word "
" replaces the name or number of the caller. The time and date that the memo was recorded
is displayed beneath it.
1 4 . The time and date that the call/message was received are also displayed.
The format of the time and day stamps played at the beginning of each message is the number or name (if available), the day (DD/MM
or MM/DD depending on EEPROM configuration) and then the time (HH:MM am/pm or HH:MM depending on EEPR O M c o n f ig u r a t io n ) .
If the date the message was recorded is the same as the current date, "
" is played instead of the day and date. If the date of
the message is the day before the current date, "
" is played instead of the day and date.
1 5 . During message playback, press KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN to adjust volume (see screen E10). When no further button is pres s e d f o r 2
seconds the display returns to the relevant message sc r e e n .
1 6 . During message playback, press KEY_TALK to switch between handset and handsfree pla y b a c k m o d e .
In this case the line is not seized. If the user wants to make a call they have to stop message playback first.
1 7 . During
Play All
messages - p r e s s
(KEY_SOFT_1) for the following options :
- to pause current message. Pres s
(KEY_SOFT_1) to resume pla y b a c k ( s e e s c r e e n E 1 4 )
Repeat Message
- to replay current messag e
Play Next
- to play next mess a g e
Play Previous
- to play previous m e s s a g e
- to delete current message - the display prompts "
" (see screen E32). Mes s a g e is d e le t e d
1 8 . During
Play All
messages - press the following keys for the following options:
- to pause current mes s a g e
- to resume playback of current paused messa g e
- to replay current messag e
- to play next mess a g e
- to delete current message - the display prompts "
". Message is deleted immedia t e ly .
- to play previous m e s s a g e
1 9 . On screen E149 , if
Play Next
is selected via the
(KEY_SOFT_2) menu - the next message down the list is played. In t h is
case it is
Message 4
Message 5
is the first message received on the base (or last message on the list), when
Play Next
is selected the handset will
return to the message list.
2 0 . On screen E149 , if
Play Previous
is selected via the
(KEY_SOFT_2) menu - the next message up the list is pla y e d .
Message 5
is the last message received on the list, the handset will start to play
Message 5
2 1 . If there are no messages when
Play All
messages is s e le c t e d :
For product
voice prompts :
The handset will prompt "
No Messages
" (see screen E144) and return to
Answer Machine
sub menus.
For product
voice prompts :
You have no messages
" or
voice prompt is played and the display prompts "
No Messages
" and returns to
Answer Machine
su b
menu s .