3 6 . Some SIM cards can save up to 20 characters in t h e n a m e
field and some 12 charact e r s .
If the maximum character allowed for the name field on the
handset is 12 - then the first 12 characters are copied .
The same applies to the number field.
3 7 . There is no indication that a SIM is inserted, but during
phonebook transfer the Power In Use / Event LED will
3 8 . During the transfer it is not possible to use the base
functionality .
All base button presses are ignored. The SI M c o p y c a n
only be stopped at the controlling handset.
3 9 . When copying entries from SIM to phone, if a SIM contact
contains only the number fields - the number field will be
copied to both the name and number field on the handset.
The unnamed contacts will appear at the end of the list
(see s c r e e n P 1 4 4 ) .
4 0 . It is permissible for duplicate entries with the same name
NOT number to be stored as a result of SIM copying (or
even with manual input). In other words, it is possible to
stored two or more entries with the same contact name.
4 1 . Multiple SIM card transfer can be carried out. When
copying SIM card in either direction, entries are appended
to the existing list of contacts, rather than overwriting the
conte n t s .
Contact with s a m e name but different number will be copied.
Contact with different name and different number will be copied.
Contact with s a m e name and s a m e number will not be copied.
Contact with different name but s a m e number will not be copied.
4 2 .
Dialling Codes
feature allows correct conversion of SI M
contacts beginning with international code s .
For example, a contact s a v e d o n SI M w it h + 4 4 2 0 7 4 0 3 0 2 0 1
(+) is the international code, and
(44) is the country c o d e
On the DECT phone, the settings will be :
Internation a l C o d e = 0 0
Count r y C o d e
= 4 4
L o c a l C o d e
= 0
After SIM copy, + and 44 will be stripped off and replaced
by the local area code (0) - the entry copied will then
appear on th e h a n d s e t a s 0 2 0 7 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 .
This feature can be hidden in E E P R O M .