Additional screens:
Memory Full
Delete Message
No Messages
Incorrect PIN !
Office 1
Sending Failed
1 .
A total of 50 short messages can be stored across all u s e r s inbox and outbox. The memory is fully dyna m ic over all users inbox e s .
2 .
Only 5 messages can be stored across all u s e r o u t b o x e s . Ne w sent messages replace old s e n t m e s s a g e s .
3 .
S a ved message is stored in the
folder. Only 1 draft message can be stored per each mailbox.
When editing a message in
folder and
is selected again from options list - the message saved is the most recently s a v e d
m e s s a g e .
4 .
If SMS mailboxes are full when
Write Message
is selected - the display prompts "
Memory Full Delete Messages
" for 2 seconds a n d
returns to the previous screen (see screen S2 3 5 ) .
5 .
When accessing empty folders (
, or
) - the display prompts "
No Messages
" for 2 seconds and returns to the
previous screen (see s c r e e n S2 3 6 ) .
6 .
When accessing th e
, the most recent message is highlighted at the top of the screen (see screen S40).
Pressing KEY_DOWN will move backwards chronologically t h r o u g h t h e m e s s a g e s .
Pressing KEY_UP will move forward chronologically. When the most recent message is displayed, pressing KEY_U P will d is p la y t h e
oldest m e s s a g e .
7 .
Only new / unread messages will trigger the new SMS reminder icon on the idle screen (see screen S227).
8 .
New messages are marked with a yellow star (see screen S40). Once a message has been read, its "new message" tag will be
9 .
When browsing the
, if the sender's number matches an entry in the phonebook , the name is displayed. If there is no name
match, the number of the sender is displayed.
1 0 . There is no looping within a message, i.e. when reading (or writing) a message and the bottom of the message is reached, pressing
KEY_DOWN again will not display the beginning of the message. The user has to use KEY_UP to scroll back to the beginning of the
m e s s a g e .
1 1 . When writing a message, if
(KEY_SOFT_2) is pressed and held for 1.5 seconds, all text to the left and right of the cursor will be
deleted .
1 2 . When a message is sent, a copy of it is stored in the
1 3 . When manually entering a recipient number it can be displayed over two lines. The maximum number of digits which can be entered is
2 4 .
1 4 . When an emoticon is included in a message it is displayed within the text in its graphical format rather than just the punctuation
symbols. The graphical representation of emoticons is also shown in incoming messages rather than punctuatio n .
1 5 . When forwarding a message, if the original message is longer than four lines, the last four lines of the message are displayed on the
first three lines of the message screen and the cursor is displayed after the last character in the message.
1 6 . Concatenation is supported. When a long message is received it will be included in the
as a single message and will be
displayed as a single m e s s a g e .
1 7 .
Message Size
menu can be hidden in E E P R O M .
1 8 . If the user sets the Message Size to 612 characters the counter will start from 612 and reduces as more characters are entered.
1 9 . If the user sets the Message Size to 160 characters the counter will start from 160 and reduces as more characters are entered.
2 0 . When the counter is 0 entering a further character will receive an error tone.
2 1
If the message is longer than 160 characters it will automatically be sent as linked messages. Up to 4 messages c a n b e lin k e d
together allowing up to 612 characters to be sent.
2 2 . Word wrap is used when receiving messages.
2 3 . When a message is sent the product goes online to send the message and "
Sending Message...
" is displayed on the sending hands e t
(see screen S7 ) .
Once the message has been successfully sent - the dis p la y p r o m p t s "
Message Sent
" for 2 seconds and returns to the idle display.
2 4 . If the attempt to send the message fails, the display prompts "
Message Sending Failed
" for 2 seconds and then the handsets revert to
the relevant screen (see scre e n S2 3 8 ) .
2 5 . If the line is in use when the product attempts to send the message, the display prompts "
Line In Use
" for 2 seconds and returns to
the relevant screen. The unsent message is stored in the
2 6 . If the user is part way through writing a message when an incoming call is received, the incoming call is presented. If a sub-address /
mailbox user is writing a message, the message should be stored to handset temporary buffer so the next time user enters
- he will see his last typed m e s s a g e .
2 7 . If the user is part way through writing a message and the handset times out - the message is automatically saved in the
folder. The timeout when writing a message is 30 seconds.