User Manual
When playing infrared video, use this command under Video Menu or Press Ctrl + F to perform auto fucus operation on camera.
Play command
Use this command or press
to play infrared video. If it is
mode, perform this command to change it to
Pause Command
Use this command or press
to pause infrared video. If it is
mode, perform this command to change it to
Forward command
User this command or press
to make the video go forward by one frame when playing video.
Backward command
Use this command or press
to make the video go backward by one frame when playing video.
Record command
Use this command or press
to record the video capture by TP8 and save it in appointed directory. The default saving directory is in the
sub-directory of capture under installation directory. Computer system will denominate the video file automatically.
Perform this command again after stopping record.
Video Output
Composite video output (PAL or NTSC mode) option is available in
camera. With this option you can view the live image
captured by the camera on a monitor or a recording device.
Before trying to use this option, ensure that the
camera is switched off.
Properly connect the camera to the monitor (or recording device) with the video cable supplied together with the camera..
Power on the monitor.
Power on the camera.
Enter the submenu System under menu Setup, choose option VideoOut and set its value to be “PAL” or “NTSC”.
Press button Ok to save the setup and return to the live image.
When viewing the live image, you can still use the bottons to control the camera.
After viewing the live image, power off the camera, monitor (or recording device) and disconnect the cable.
It is required to power off the camera before connecting it to a monitor or a recording device.
Transferring Data from the Camera to PC
Before transferring data from the MobIR
M8 camera to PC, ensure that the PC offers USB2.0 interface and the USB driver for the
camera has been successfully installed in the PC.
To transfer data saved in the SD card to PC, get the SD card out of the camera, insert it into the card reader and then insert the reader to a
USB2.0 interface of the PC. Then PC will identify the card as a removable hard disk. With the help of corresponding menu commands, you
can copy the saved data to PC or delete them from the card and etc.
You can also format the SD card when connecting it to PC through the card reader but not running the corresponding menu commands in
Guide IrAnalyser