User Manual
Camera with cables: from the top down and from left to right, the camera is connected with USB extension cable, AC adapter cable and RS232/
TV video cable.
If connecting the RS232 interface of RS232/ TV video cable to a PC with RS232 communication port, you can view the live video on the video
display device and meanwhile control the camera on PC via RS232 communication protocol.
If only connecting the USB extension cable to a PC with USB2.0 interface and running the corresponding menu commands of Guide
IrAnalyser® software (e.g. sub-command Device Video of command Video under menu File), you can view the live thermal video on PC,
control the camera on PC and also record live thermal video into PC.
Inserting / Removing the Mini SD Memory Card
To insert or remove a Mini SD memory card, open the Mini SD memory card cover.
To insert a Mini SD memory card, slide the card with the terminals pointing downwards and the obverse outwards till you hear a slight sound,
as shown in the figure below.
To remove a Mini SD memory card, press the card downwards and then release it. It will bounce to be pulled it from the camera.
Notes for the Mini SD memory cards:
Ensure that saving or opening of images is complete before removing the Mini SD memory card.
Do not use the Mini SD memory card as a common removable disk for storing other information than images or video taken by the camera.
AC adapter and battery charger
Note: AC adapter is valid for both
battery charger and camera itself.