User Manual
To save the change, choose button OK or press the M button on the keyboard; to cancel the change, choose button Cancel or press the C
button on the keyboard. Then the dialog box will be closed and the original image status will be resumed.
Button OK and button Cancel can be selected by the touch pen directly or by pressing M button first and then pressing C button on the
To choose a certain color for isotherm, black, white or green.
To set the temperature type of areas in area analysis, maximum, minimum or average.
To activate or inactivate the audio alarm for live thermal images.
To set the scene temperature threshold above which the audio alarm will sound.
Temp Text:
To display or hide temperature value of center point and hottest point.
Option Target
Click option Target with the touch pen or press the button M to select it. Then the Target dialog box appears on the screen.
Clicking each option box with the touch pen or pressing button OK can toggle between the options. Moving the button up or down can alter
values of the option. Moving the button left or right can toggle between each digit of the option values.
To set emissivity value between 0.01 and 1.00.
To set relative humidity percentage value between 0 and 100.
To set distance from target (meters).
To set a ambient temperature or to display real-time ambient temperature. When it is “On”, you need to manually set a suitable
ambient temperature. When it is “Off”, the camera will sense ambient temperature automatically.
Choose button OK or press the M button on the keyboard to save the change; choose button Cancel or press C button on the keyboard to
cancel change. Then the dialog box will be closed and the original image status will be resumed.
Option System
Click option System with the touch pen or press the button M to select it. Then the System dialog box appears on the screen.