5.6. oiL ALErt sYstEM
The oil alert system is especially designed to
prevent engine damage caused by an insufficient
amount of oil in the crankcase. When the oil level
in the crankcase fall down below the safe limit, the
oil alert system will automatically shut down the
engine(though the generator switch still remains
in the ON position), so that the engine can’t be
damaged due to the insufficient amount of the oil.
Low Oil
Security Lamp
6. prE-opErAtioN chEck
6.1. chEck ENgiNE oiL
The engine oil is a major element which can affect the performances and
the life of your material. Do not use any 2 time oil, it would damage the
engine. Check the oil level before every use, on a plane surface when the
engine is stop.
1. Remove the oil filler cap and wipe the dipstick clean.
2. Check the oil level by inserting the dipstick into the filler neck without screwing it in.
3. If the level is low, add the recommended oil to the upper mark on the dipstick.
4. After adding, don’t forget to refit and screw down the oil dipstick.
High Level
Oil Tank Cap with Gauge
Low Level
oil capacity
AccEss 2200 XL
0,6 L
Remove oil when it is contaminated (Refer to maintenance schedule recommendation part).