Viewing track metadata
While a track is playing, you can view extra
information about it (metadata) by pressing Info .
Each time you press Info , a different item of
metadata is displayed.
The unit holds a queue of up to 500 tracks in the
playlist. Playlist tracks can be mixed from multiple
UPnP servers and USB. To manage the playlist,
select Menu >
My playlist
• To view the playlist, scroll
though it by turning Select .
UPnP tracks show their track
name; USB tracks show their
file name.
• To play the playlist from a
certain track, quick Select .
• To erase a track from the
playlist, long Select . then
confirm YES.
If you select a track/album/folder for instant playback (without using the playlist), the
playlist is preserved. The playlist is also preserved during standby.
You can repeat tracks or play them in random order by selecting Menu >
Repeat play
or Menu >
Shuffle play
Now playing information
While a track is playing, the screen shows its track and artist (UPnP) or file name (USB).
There is also a progress bar with figures for elapsed and total track time. At the bottom
of the screen, an icon indicates
depending on the source. To view further
information, press Info .
Each time you press Info , another set of information is displayed, cycling through:
• UPnP: playback progress bar (default), album, codec/sampling rate, playback
buffer bar, today’s date
• USB: playback progress bar (default), artist, album, folder, full file path, bit
rate/codec type/sampling rate, playback buffer bar, today’s date
PAG. 21
User Manual/Manual de Instrucciones MULTIPLAYER 12 WEB