1892 1139 - RSX Range of Intelligent Modems User Guide - v7.1 / Nov 2007
This tab allows you to read and set the values of parameters and control the modem, as
Modem Parameter
Range of Values
Source address
0 to 255
This is the identity of the modem.
It only accepts messages bearing
this address as the destination,
and adds it as the source address
with all sent packets.
Default is 10
Destination address
0 to 255
The identity of the intended
recipient of a message.
Default is 10
Baudrate (RS232)
0 = 9600
1 = 19200 (default)
2 = 300
3 = 600
4 = 1200
5 = 2400
6 = 4800
7 = 38400
Parity (RS232)
0 = no parity
1 = odd parity
2 = even (default)
The modem works with 8 data bits
and parity
Modem Mode
0 = transmitter only
1 = receiver only
2 = transceiver (default)
Maximum frame length
0 = 64 bytes
1 = 128 bytes (default)
Transmitter start delay
0 to 255
x 5ms. Default 2 = 10ms
Transmitter stop delay
0 to 255
Milliseconds. Default = 1ms
Preamble message length
20 - 225
Length in bytes. Default = 20
CRC check
0 = CRC check disabled (default)
1 = CRC check enabled
Enable Command Mode
1 =
Command mode always
enabled when not
0 =
Command mode only
enabled during 4
seconds after power-up.
Tx Override
0 = Tx Override disabled
1 = Tx Override enabled (default)
Enables transmission even if the
squelch registers received signal
on channel.