KG and KGW configurations incorporating a washer section require a base frame
or foundation lower at the floor of the washer unit than elsewhere, because the
bottom of the washer section is lower than that of the other sections. The height
of the base frame depends on the type of washer and is specified when the design
of the air-conditioning system is configured.
If the unit has intake from below or discharge downwards, remember to install short
lengths of ducting before lowering the unit onto the foundation.
Base frames are either secured to the unit or delivered separately (in advance).
Base frames delivered in advance are in sections and must be assembled on site
in accordance with the instructions enclosed with the shipment, then aligned and
secured to the supporting surface.
The matrix of base frames of sectional units delivered complete with their base
frames matches that of the units.
KGW: The base frame has to be insulated and integrated into the roof sealing
system on site. It is advisable to insulate base frames delivered in advance
on the inside, because this makes it considerably easier to integrate the
weatherseal into the roof sealing system.
The units have to be lowered onto the base frame or foundation and aligned in such
a way that the gap between base frame or foundation and drip nose is approx. 10
mm all round.
Short lengths of
Base frame
Insulating strip
by others
Notes on installation