When installing, take care to ensure that no dirt or other foreign matter penetrates inside
the washer.
The water used for the washer under normal conditions must meet the following
minimum quality requirements (VDI 3803):
clear, colorless, no settlement
pH value
7 to 8.5
Total salt content
Electrical conductivity
mS/m (at 20°C)
Calcium ion content
Carbonate hardness
Carbonate hardness in conjunction
with hardness stabilizers
Chloride content
Sulfate content
Germ count
1000 ml
Connection of the washer to the public water supply is subject to the stipulations of DIN 1988.
A siphon must be connected to the condensate drains from chiller tray, washer overflow
and KGX/KGXD tray to ensure the reliable removal of condensate.
Each condensate drain requires an siphon of its own.
It is not permissible to connect two or more drains to a common siphon.
Siphons are available from WOLF as accessories. In this case the height of the siphon
is calculated ex-works.
If the siphon is obtained from other sources, calculate the height as shown in the
illustration on the left.
The effective odor-trap height H (mm) must be greater than the maximum partial
vacuum or overpressure (in Pa) in the air conditioning unit (1 mm WG = 10 Pa).
The difference in height between the drain outlet and the siphon overflow must also be
H (mm).
It is always important to take the height of the foundation into account, in order to ensure
that sufficient clearance is available for installing the siphon.
The siphon must drain to the open, and not directly to the waste-water drainage system
(see illustration). Long drain lines require ventilation in order to avoid a build up of
condensation in the line.
Fill the siphon with water prior to initial operation and after long stoppages.
Notes on installation
Washer section
Odor trap
Odor trap connection
1 1/4” outside thread
The weatherproof enclosure is made of sandwich panels with an inspection door.
The pipes have to be insulated on site.
Connections inside the enclosure, either in or opposed to the direction of air flow.
Installation of the pipes and fittings in an adjacent section.
Connections to the side, outside the side panel. Installation of the pipes on site.
KGW 630 - 1000 weatherproof enclosure:
Insulating strips
by others