Designation of equipment
Airconditioning units for indoor installation
Airconditioning units for outdoor installation
Airconditioning units with indirectly fired air heater
Type designation:
EC Machinery Directive
89/293/EEC as amended 93/44/EEC
EC directives
EC Explosion-Protection Directive 94/9/EC (explosion-proof devices)
Applied harmonised
DIN EN 292 Part 1 and 2
Safety of machines – Basic terms, general design
DIN EN 294
Safety distances to prevent upper limbs from touching
danger points
DIN EN 349
Safety of machines – Minimum distances to prevent
crushing of body parts
DIN EN 418
Safety of machines – EMERGENCY STOP device
Applied national
DIN 31001 Part 1
Protection devices
standards, e.g.
DIN VDE 0700 Part 1
Safety of electric equipment (IEC 335-1)
BG Chemie explosion
(explosion-proof devices)
protection guideline
VDMA 24169 Part 1
Structural measures for explosion protection in fans
(explosion-proof devices)
We hereby declare that the electrical equipment for Wolf airconditioning units type KG, KGW and KG/WO including the special
control cabinets for said products and the control accessories:
room thermostats, room-thermostat timers, remote-control units, actuating motors, valves, valve drives, channel sensors,
room-temperature sensors, room-temperature sensors with setpoint generators, antifreeze thermostats, remote setpoint
generators, differential-pressure sensors, safety temperature monitors, double safety thermostats airflow monitors, repair
switches, auxiliary switches, mixer motors, mixers, pumps and motors
are in compliance with the following guidelines, standards and directives:
Low Voltage Directive:
72 / 23 / EEC
EMC Directives:
89 / 336 / EEC
EN 50081-1
EN 50082-2
Product standards:
EN 60730
Mainburg, 16.10.2000
Industriestraße 1
D-84048 Mainburg
We hereby declare that on account of their design and construction and in the versions placed in circulation by us, the
machines listed below are in compliance with the applicable basic health and safety requirements of the EC Directive.
Modifications to the machines undertaken without our prior consent void this Declaration of Conformity.
Norbert Gruber
Managing director sector air handling - ventilation