Air conditioner KG
Min. air flow (m³/h)
1600 1600 2500
depends on
hori vertical
Min. air flow (m³/h)
800* 1300 1300 2200 2200 3200
depends on
*for 15kW heating power
Initial operation
(Warm water/hot water/steam)
Electric heater
(cold water)
Air-conditioning units with multi-speed or variable-speed motors must comply with
these specifications for minimum air flow rate at the lowest motor speed,
irrespective of the heating power of the electric heater.
Always comply with all applicable safety regulations.
It is always important to ensure that if the air flow is interrupted the electric heater
shuts down automatically. Also ensure that the contactor or contactor array
which switches the electric heater incorporates the series-connected safety
temperature monitor (STW) in its control circuit. Make sure that there is at least
one overhead STW secured to the ceiling of the heater compartment.
The electric heater must be protected against humidity and water.
Check the entire piping system for leaks before initial startup.
- Bleed the heat exchanger and the piping system.
- Make sure that condensation drains correctly to prevent the condensate tray
from overflowing.
- Before starting up a cold-water chiller for the first time, check that the
concentration of antifreeze agent in the chilling water is adequate for the
anticipated temperature range. If antifreeze has to be added, note that the
chiller's cooling power diminishes in proportion to the increase in concentration
of antifreeze agent to cold water.
Antifreeze agents are hazardous to health. Compliance with the manufacturer's
safety instructions is mandatory if antifreeze agents are used on site.
Check the entire piping system for leaks before initial startup.
- Bleed the heat exchanger and the piping system.
- Make sure that condensation drains correctly from the steam register, if fitted,
to avoid the danger of steam shocks damaging the register.
- Do not switch on the hot-water pump or open the water/steam valve unless the
fan is running, to avoid overheating due to insufficient removal of heat.
- Check the discharge air temperature: the max. permissible discharge-air
temperature for a configuration with the heater on the intake side is 40 °C,
because higher temperatures could cause the motor to overheat.
Beware of hot surfaces of heat exchangers and pipe adapters.
To avoid overheating, make sure that the air flow rates are not less than the
minimum rates as stated in the table below (in m³/h):