Notes on installation
The weatherproofed KGW 630-1000 air-coinditioning units have a UV-resistant,
weatherproof skinned roof.
Fully assembled units are supplied complete with the roof pre-installed.
Each section of a sectionalized unit has its own roof; the butt joints in the roof must be
sealed on site once the sections are installed. The appropriate quantities of sealing
materials (Rhepanol paste, self-adhesive strips of roofing material, bonding material)
are enclosed with the sections.
Have the work of sealing the roof carried out by a specialist company. Cleanliness and
meticulous care are important for an adequate seal.
The roof is not resistant to organic solvents (e.g. benzine) or substances which contain
solvents (e.g. paints). Use only the bonding agent, Rhepanol paste and adhesive
supplied with the air-conditioning unit.
KGW roof
Unscrew the lifting eyes after the secrtions have been bolted together. Cut out a plug of
the roof material directly above each of the tapped bores for the lifting eyes. Insert the plugs
supplied for the purpose to seal the tapped bores and apply patches of self-adhesive
roofing material (10x10 cm). Coat the joints with bonding agent, remove the backing paper
and press the patches down firmly.
Coat the butt joints between the sections with bonding agent and position the strips of self-
adhesive roofing material over the joints, remove the backing paper and press down firmly.
Fill the joints between sections which carry air above atmospheric pressure (those downstream
of the fan, in other words) with Rhepanol paste before applying the strips of roofing material.
At the intersections of longitudinal and transverse joints between sections, run a bead
of Rhepanol paste approx. 5 mm thick and at least 12 mm long as illustrated before
affixing the topmost strip of roofing material.
Where the roofing material overlaps at a joint (e.g. projection), apply a bead of black
Rhepanol paste 5 mm thick and at least 12 cm long at the overlap as illustrated before
affixing the strip of roofing material.
Where two adjacent sections are of different heights, affix the flap of roofing material
to the vertical sidewall with adhesive and use the metal strips to secure the flap in
position. Run a bead of transparent sealing compound allong the top edge of the metal
strips to seal.
Lifting eye
Long. and trans. joints
Flat to stacked transition
Long. and transverse joints
Lifting eye
Flat to stacked
Roof mat.
Strip of roofing
Joint between sections
Rhepanol paste
Strips of roof. mat.
Rhepanol paste
Strip of roofing
Roofing material
Metal strip
Seal. compound