If the Wöhler A 550 is equipped with a NO
sor, the NO
factor parameter will not be active,
because the NO
calculation will be directly based
on the measurement signals.
4 Pa duration
Here the user can determine how long the ana-
lyzer shall log the pressure during the 4 PA- test.
The default 4 Pa-duration is 4 minutes.
Fig. 58: Configuration of the readings
The user can set up the reading segment accord-
ing to his needs.
Click on "change" to enter the signals menu.
In the left column (Display) click on the key
that has to be substituted .
The key will turn to green.
In the right column (signals), click on the key
that shall substitute the green key in the left
This key will now appear in the left column
instead of the green key.
To change a unit, in the left column (display)
click several times on the key whose unit has
to be changed. You will find the possible units
in the table of chapter 6.3.1.
The icons in the footer have the following function:
Cancel: Escape without saving the modifica-
Restore defaults: Reset to default settings
Remove signal: Remove a value from the
readings segment
OK: Confirm the modification and return to the
Setup menu.
Customer Logo
Click on "Change", enter your logo and con-
firm with OK.
Your logo will now appear on all printouts.