GMG-B Operation manual
Page 17 of 45
4.5 Level control (option)
Level control "C":
Minimum level monitoring for grease
When the reservoir is empty and the pump drive shaft rotating, the contact will be switched.
The empty signal is intermitting.
The switching mechanism may change itself, e.g. during reservoir filling.
Therefore, in case of an external control, evaluation of the signal available during pump
switch-on must be delayed (by approx. 5 s).
Version without control:
In the "Stirring without delivery" function, signal evaluation has to be suppressed.
Level control "C"
Level control "F":
Minimum level monitoring for oil
Level control "F" consists of a PUR float that is raised up in the oil. If the oil level falls below
minimum, the contact will open.
Level control "F"
Lubricant avaible
(permanent signal)
No lubricant avaible
(intermittend signal)